Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for September, 2017

Is This Fall the Time to Install a New Water Heater?

Monday, September 25th, 2017

water-heater-in-the-cornerIn our last post, we looked at the all-important inspection and tune-up your heating system needs before the winter arrives. Today, we’re going to look at a different kind of heating preparation for the other major heating system in your home: the water heater.

No water heater lasts forever, although homeowners often treat them as if they’ll never stop working. If you have an aging water heater, it’s better to get ahead of potential problems and arrange during the fall for our technicians to install a new water heater in Staten Island, NY. Let’s take a closer look at making the choice for repalcement… and the choices that come after.

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Schedule a Tune-Up for Your Heater Early!

Monday, September 11th, 2017

servince-reminder-clockSome rain, some cloudy weather, some warm temperatures … we’re already starting to feel a bit of fall creep in, even though the official start of fall is (as of this writing) a bit over a week away. Could you stand for a bit of fall planning now? It’s always a smart idea to get started on something you may procrastinate on later. And it’s pretty easy to procrastinate on taking care of your household heating system when you’re deep in the middle of other fall activities and home winterizing.

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