Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Humidifiers’

Do You Struggle With Humidity Control?

Monday, October 5th, 2020

When we talk about humidity, it is likely that your first reaction is to groan. Humidity is often related to the idea of discomfort, heat, and mold. But this isn’t always the case.

The truth is that balanced humidity in your home is always better than none at all. Too much or too little humidity can impact your indoor air quality in Staten Island, NY but thankfully there are solutions available. If you are curious about how we can help with your home humidity levels, you can find out more by reading on.

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How an HVAC Contractor Can Help You in Late Winter

Monday, January 28th, 2019

heating-cooling-iconsWe’re in the second half of the winter, which may feel like, uhm, cold comfort when you consider how many more days are ahead before the true spring weather settles in. We hope you started out the winter with any necessary professional HVAC services for your heating system, such as having it professionally maintained and scheduling any repairs that may have lingered from the previous winter. You may have even taken the big plunge and replaced an over-the-hill heater with a new one. That’s great—you’re planning ahead.

But you can still benefit from the help of an HVAC contractor in Staten Island, NY in the second half of the winter. Below are some of our suggestions for ways our team can assist you at this time of the year.

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How We Can Improve Your Winter Indoor Air Quality

Monday, November 6th, 2017

woman-with-allergiesWinter brings with it more comfort challenges in a home than just ensuring everybody stays warm when the temperatures outside dive. Indoor air quality can become a serious issue because a home is frequently sealed off against the outdoor air to prevent heat from escaping. A sealed-up house will begin to develop stale, dry, and contaminant-filled air.

There are ways to boost indoor air quality during the winter that don’t require you to throw open the doors and windows and allow the outside chill to gust through the rooms while it’s freshening the air. Below are a few of the indoor air quality solutions we can offer you for a more comfortable, healthier winter.

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How High and Low Humidity Can Be Problems for Your Household

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

man-with-man“It’s not so much the heat, it’s the humidity.” Everybody has heard a version of this saying before. People know that when humidity is high, a hot day feels worse. But why does it feel worse? And is an extremely dry day much better? Is there an ideal between too humid and too dry? And what can you do to achieve that ideal in your house?

Okay, that’s already a lot of questions to ask, and we’d better get to the answers before even more questions pile up. (And if you still have further questions, contact our experts. We’re here to see that you have the best possible help for your air conditioning in Staten Island, NY during the summer.)

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