Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for December, 2021

5 Signs You Need to Schedule Expert Heater Repair

Monday, December 27th, 2021

cold-man-with-thermostatHow well do you think you would fare trying to get through winter without any heating system in your home? It probably isn’t an idea that you even want to think about. The truth is that if your heater has a repair need the isn’t being seen to, it can cause a premature breakdown that leaves you wondering how to get by without it.

As we said, it isn’t a pleasant idea and thankfully it is avoidable. With expert heater repair in Staten Island, NY, you can rest assured that your heater will be put back into prime condition quickly. The only question that remains is how to figure out when to call in a pro before you are without heat.

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Handling Excess Humidity…In Winter?

Monday, December 13th, 2021

water-dropletsHumidity is often made out to be the villain that is trying to destroy your comfort. The truth is that humidity can both help and hinder your home comfort level. You don’t want too much but you also don’t want too little moisture in the air.

If you are looking to gain better control of the humidity in your home, you’ve come to the right place. We have the knowledge and the equipment to make sure you achieve balanced humidity in your home.

Here’s a curveball though. While some homes are working to increase the humidity to keep themselves warm, you may need to look at toning down the humidity in your home right now. We’ll explain more about this below.

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