Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Dehumidifiers’

Does My AC Help with High Humidity?

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Humidity can be a homeowner’s nemesis, turning a comfortable living space into a clammy, sticky environment. It affects not just comfort but also health and the integrity of your home. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the role of your air conditioning system in managing humidity levels within your home. From understanding how AC systems decrease humidity to identifying common central air repairs in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn that could lead to rising humidity levels, we’ll cover it all. 

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How Humidity Messes With Your Comfort

Monday, July 25th, 2022

While every home needs some level of moisture to keep the air comfortable, too much can quickly lead to problems throughout your home. If you’ve lived through a summer season around here you likely know that we face plenty of excess humidity. That’s why we want you to know that there is a great resource to help when you’re looking for dehumidifiers in Staten Island.

High indoor humidity levels can lead to mold growth, uneven temperatures, and even respiratory problems. Read on to learn more about the problems created by excess indoor humidity and how installing a whole-house dehumidifier can help.

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Handling Excess Humidity…In Winter?

Monday, December 13th, 2021

water-dropletsHumidity is often made out to be the villain that is trying to destroy your comfort. The truth is that humidity can both help and hinder your home comfort level. You don’t want too much but you also don’t want too little moisture in the air.

If you are looking to gain better control of the humidity in your home, you’ve come to the right place. We have the knowledge and the equipment to make sure you achieve balanced humidity in your home.

Here’s a curveball though. While some homes are working to increase the humidity to keep themselves warm, you may need to look at toning down the humidity in your home right now. We’ll explain more about this below.

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Should You Consider a Dehumidifier?

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

We are getting closer to summer which means higher temperatures and hopefully some time by the community pool. It may also mean an increase in humidity in the area. The high temperatures that we see in summer are hard enough but increased humidity makes things far worse. But what can you do other than just deal with it, right?

Well, actually, with a dehumidifier in Staten Island, NY, you may actually be able to enjoy improved home comfort. This system which is meant to be installed as a part of your HVAC can tackle excess humidity to boost your home cooling and efficiency.

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Do You Struggle With Humidity Control?

Monday, October 5th, 2020

When we talk about humidity, it is likely that your first reaction is to groan. Humidity is often related to the idea of discomfort, heat, and mold. But this isn’t always the case.

The truth is that balanced humidity in your home is always better than none at all. Too much or too little humidity can impact your indoor air quality in Staten Island, NY but thankfully there are solutions available. If you are curious about how we can help with your home humidity levels, you can find out more by reading on.

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Beat the Summer Humidity With Our Help!

Monday, June 18th, 2018

flushed-man-hot-in-front-of-fanThe summers in New York can be notoriously humid, turning what would normally be pleasantly warm weather into something much more unpleasant. It’s not that the high moisture levels is making that day any hotter. What’s actually happening is the moisture in the air is making it harder for your body to release heat—and when there’s more heat trapped in your body, the temperature will feel around 10°F hotter than it is!

There’s not much you can do about humidity when you’re outside, but with our help you can significantly improve humid conditions inside your home. You’ll enjoy better comfort and energy savings, and you’ll even help protect furnishings and keep out unhealthy molds.

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How High and Low Humidity Can Be Problems for Your Household

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

man-with-man“It’s not so much the heat, it’s the humidity.” Everybody has heard a version of this saying before. People know that when humidity is high, a hot day feels worse. But why does it feel worse? And is an extremely dry day much better? Is there an ideal between too humid and too dry? And what can you do to achieve that ideal in your house?

Okay, that’s already a lot of questions to ask, and we’d better get to the answers before even more questions pile up. (And if you still have further questions, contact our experts. We’re here to see that you have the best possible help for your air conditioning in Staten Island, NY during the summer.)

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Indoor Air Quality Help for Allergy Season

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

dandelion-in-fieldSpring always brings with it good news: warmer weather! It might come a bit later in spring than earlier, but it gets here no matter what.

But the warmer weather often brings with it bad news: allergy season! After a rainy stretch of weather here in New York, when the weather starts to heat up it means plant blooms—and a subsequent spike in the pollen levels. There’s also a rise in the growth of mold and mildew, which further creates allergy problems.

Now that allergy season is starting, you and other people in your household may be dealing with some unpleasant times because of airborne allergens. Sure, you can take medicine, but we have recommendations for how you can improve your home’s indoor air quality with the help of IAQ professionals. We offer excellent indoor air quality services in Staten Island, NY.

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