Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

5 HVAC Tips for Pet Owners Bob Mims

Monday, June 24th, 2024

As a pet owner, you cherish your furry companions, but did you know they can have a significant impact on your home’s HVAC system? With their shedding fur and dander, pets can affect indoor air quality (IAQ) and even the efficiency of your HVAC equipment. 

To keep both your pets and HVAC system happy, follow these essential tips to avoid the need for AC repair in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. From simple DIY tasks such as changing the air filter on a regular basis, to grooming pets regularly, these simple tips will help protect your HVAC equipment from your four-legged companions.

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Does My AC Help with High Humidity?

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Humidity can be a homeowner’s nemesis, turning a comfortable living space into a clammy, sticky environment. It affects not just comfort but also health and the integrity of your home. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the role of your air conditioning system in managing humidity levels within your home. From understanding how AC systems decrease humidity to identifying common central air repairs in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn that could lead to rising humidity levels, we’ll cover it all. 

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Want to Avoid AC Repair This Summer? Start With Professional Maintenance

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Air conditioning systems are essential for maintaining comfortable indoor environments, especially during hot summer months. However, these systems require regular maintenance to function optimally and avoid costly air conditioning repair. In this blog, we will explore why regular AC maintenance is crucial and how it can prevent the need for repairs, saving you time, money, and hassle in the long run.

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4 Reasons Why Your AC Isn’t Running

Monday, May 17th, 2021

woman-in-front-of-fanYou come home from a day out in the heat and all you want to do is cool off inside your nice, air-conditioned home. Once you walk in the door though you realize that your AC system has other plans. Your plan was for it to run like usual and keep things comfortable. Your AC unit’s plan was to…not do that.

This is a problem. Your air conditioning system isn’t running which means no cool air. Why is your system refusing to work and how can you get it operating again? We have the answers to these questions and the services to help.

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When to Call for AC Repairs

Monday, July 13th, 2020

wrenchesSummer is when you need your air conditioner the most, which means it is also when you really need a reliable source for air conditioning service in case something goes wrong. If there is a problem with your AC system, the sooner you get it taken care of the better off your home comfort will be. But do you know when the time has come to reach out for repairs? If not, we can help with that too.

That’s right, we provide services and reliable information! Your comfort is important to us after all so we want to make sure you know what instances work for you to contact us for professional air conditioning service.

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Boost Your Energy Efficiency With These Tips

Monday, June 15th, 2020

air-conditioner-on-leavesStaten Island has started quickly heat up. This means that you went from the days of enjoying the break in the cool temperatures to racing for the thermostat to get the air conditioner running again. Thankfully, you have a good air conditioner that is running correctly and able to do its job. That doesn’t mean you should just turn on your system and leave it be the rest of the season, though.

If you want to most out of your air conditioner, you should incorporate a few tactics to your regular habits to ensure you are doing everything possible to make your home efficient. We have some great tips for you here so you can get the most efficient and effective cooling power out of your AC.

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