Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Keep a Watch for These Early Season AC Repair Warnings

Monday, June 19th, 2017

tools-on-ac-unitAs the summer weather gets going here in New York City, you’ll begin to use your air conditioner for steady periods for the first time in the year. If you’ve arranged for its spring maintenance already, the system will be off to the best possible start. (However, it’s never too late to contact us about our maintenance agreement so you can have the AC tuned-up and inspected.)

But there’s no magical service that can make an AC immune to problems. If there were, believe me, we’d offer it! Maintenance is as close as it comes. During these opening summer weather days, it pays to attend closely to how your air conditioner is operating. This way you can catch any early troubles and have them fixed before the temperatures soar in July and August. Our AC repair experts are ready to help you!

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Fixing That Hot Upstairs in Your Home with AC Solutions

Monday, June 5th, 2017

thermometer-going-redEvery region has particular comfort problems that HVAC specialists have to deal with. Here in Staten Island, a trouble we often find our customers experience is uneven home cooling during the summer. Usually the ground floor is comfortably cool when the air conditioner is running, but the upstairs remains stiflingly hot.

You might think there isn’t anything to be done about this. Heat rises, so the most heat will collect in the second floor. But this isn’t true! Our professionals have ways to help evenly cool homes with excellent air conditioning service in Staten Island, NY. If you have an unpleasantly hot upstairs in your home, contact us and we’ll find a way to provide even cooling comfort through the summers.

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Taking a Close Look at Energy Efficiency for Air Conditioners

Monday, May 22nd, 2017

air-conditioner-money-saverSpring is the best time of year to install a new air conditioning system, something we talked about at the beginning of the season. But making the choice to replace an old air conditioner with a new system is only the start of the installation process. There are many more choices you must make when it comes to a new air conditioner in Staten Island, NY, and you’ll require the assistance of HVAC experts for each of them. These choices include deciding on the type of AC to have installed (perhaps you want to try out a ductless system) and how powerful the cooling system needs to be (under-powered or over-powered are equally bad).

In this post, we’re going to look at the question of efficiency: how well does an air conditioning system convert electrical power into cooling output?

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Thermostat Tips for Hot Weather

Monday, May 8th, 2017

temperature-gaugeMay is planning time for hot weather. This is when we recommend our customers schedule their air conditioning maintenance: our technicians will provide a thorough inspection and tune-up for an air conditioning system to help it work with as few problems as possible through the summer. A tune-up also keeps an air conditioner operating at its maximum energy efficiency, helping to save money. (And we’re offering a great deal on an AC tune-up right now!)

However, people often allow their energy savings of air conditioning maintenance in Staten Island, NY go to waste over the summer by forcing their cooling systems to work harder than necessary. It might surprise you to find out that some basic errors in setting the thermostat can lead to a significant bump in your utility bills. These errors are common, and we’d like to offer advice for how you can change your thermostat habits to start saving money with your AC when the summer heat arrives.

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Before Calling for Cooling Repair… Some Checks to Make

Monday, April 24th, 2017

Spinning-fan-closeupThe time of the year when air conditioning systems will put in the biggest share of their annual workload is almost here. Before the mid-year heat comes roaring through Staten Island, we’d like to take some time to prep you for how to handle those days when your household AC isn’t, well, quite up to the task of keeping everyone cool.

Look, any air conditioning system can break. It doesn’t matter how well it was installed or maintained, no AC is invincible. (Certainly, quality installation and regular maintenance are the best way to prevent problems, but this can’t be perfect!) However, often when people think they have a busted air conditioner on their hands, the problem is a small one they can fix by checking a few things.

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Planning an Air Conditioning Replacement This Spring?

Monday, March 27th, 2017

air-conditioning-system-with-catA working air conditioning system is your home’s best ally during another hot and humid summer in New York. This is one of the reasons that we urge all homeowners to arrange for AC maintenance in the spring. It preps an air conditioner with thorough inspections, tune-ups, and cleanings that will make its job easier—and therefore make it less likely it will drain energy or suffer major malfunctions over the summer. Maintenance offers a heads-up on any repair issues that need to be taken care of before the intense summer heat arrives.

But at certain point in the life of an air conditioner, repairs and maintenance will no longer be enough. If you suspect that your home’s AC has reached this point, then this is the spring to have an air conditioning replacement in Staten Island, NY.

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March Madness with Your Heater and AC

Monday, March 13th, 2017

heating-and-cooling-homesSo far, March has been mostly a wet and cold month in Staten Island. Temperatures are taking a slight upturn, but it still feels as if summer is a long ways off.

However, March is a tricky month. A deceptive month. This is a time when the shifts in weather put serious stress on the heating and cooling systems of a home. For the heating system, the problem is that it’s already gone through a massive workload during the winter and may not be in the best shape at the end of the season. For the cooling system, the problem is that it may not be prepared yet to tackle heat waves. In both cases, a house faces a possibility of losing either its heating or cooling at critical times.

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